Our Subscription Tiers

Our subscription tiers are tailored to fit your specific needs for ongoing text-to-speech generation needs. If you’re a content creator looking to make regular YouTube videos, Spotify or Apple Podcasts, training videos, or need high-quality audio narration you’ve come to the right place. And, if you’re in need of a Wingman to serve up your own professional voice clone, we’ve got a special tier just for you with no limits on usage that’s designed to be the channel for your own voice. So the sky’s the limit. Choose the plan that’s right for you. All audio that’s generated is downloadable and sharable in high-quality, .mp3 format right from the application.

*Talk to Me, Goose! is launching in the Apple App Store soon.

JesterIceMaverickTop GunWingman
Character Limit6,50030,000100,000500,000Unlimited*
~ Minutes~7 min~30 min~100 min~500 min
Monthly Cost$4.99$19.99$39.99$159.99$9.99
$ / 1000 chars$0.77$0.67$0.40$0.32

Jester is a skilled pilot but doesn’t fly very much anymore, just enough to keep his wings clean and his skills sharp. If you need him, he can be your Wingma. You just need to give him a call. This tier is the same. Maybe you do a big job every so often, or a bunch of little jobs on a regular basis. This is the tier for you if you’re looking to use the app regularly but don’t need to synthesize a lot of long form text all the time all at once. It’s priced right sustainably, and since the credits don’t expire, you can accrue the characters over time for those bigger jobs when you need them.


Sometimes, you just need a little more swagger. Ice gives you that confidence to go a little further each month, up to about 30 minutes of text-to-speech conversion using all ~20 voices in as many as 30 languages. You can download and share or use the converted speech however you would like. So, if you’re making short training videos, monthly podcasts, or periodic YouTube video narrations, Ice is probably the right subscription tier for you. At $19.99 per month, this is a really affordable way to tackle these sized jobs.


There’s a reason he’s the lead, right? He’s got the swagger and the skills. And, sometimes, you just need to have the ability to go Mach 1 with your hair on fire. If you’re making longer form training videos, longer podcasts, or narrating longer form YouTube videos, you might need Maverick at the controls doing the piloting for you. With ~100 minutes per month of capacity, Maverick can take on your challenges and do it with panache. If you’re creating quick weekly YouTube Shorts or multiple training videos per month, this is probably the right tier for you, and at $39.99 per month, it’s reasonably priced to have a seasoned pilot like Maverick at the controls.

Top Gun

Goodness gracious, great balls of fire! If you’ve got some really big jobs you’re taking on, and you don’t want to feel like you’ve got limitations holding you back, you can sign up to be one of our Top Guns. With 500,000 characters per month or ~500 minutes (~8 hours!), this tier will give you almost no limits on what you can do. If you’re narrating weekly longer form podcasts or YouTube videos, or if you’re creating longer form narrative videos, don’t feel constrained and sign up for our Top Gun tier.


The Wingman was the original motivation for the creation of Talk to Me, Goose! Nick Bradshaw was Maverick’s Wingman. He was the inspiration for the app.

When I was first diagnosed with motor neuron disease and became aware of the risk that I could lose my ability to speak, I was motivated to find a way to preserve my ability to use my own voice, and thus was born Talk to Me, Goose!

So, we designed this subscription tier, Wingman, for those of you who may be similarly situated. If you’ve created a voice clone and want a Wingman to help you use it, this is your tier.

You only need provide Talk to Me, Goose! with your personal API Key to Eleven Labs. We will store it securely in the app’s infrastructure, and we will securely authenticate you to your personal voice clone and Talk to Me, Goose! will act as your Wingman allowing you to use your own voice. The only limits on usage will be your subscription limitations with ElevenLabs.

The team at Talk to Me, Goose! can work with you, if needed, to establish this connection, but we created the app to make this connection as easy as possible, if you’re even a little bit technically savvy. We provide documentation So, you’ll enter your API Key, we’ll validate it, and you’ll be flying on your own.

The $9.99 per month subscription fee to Talk to Me, Goose! provides all the features of the app and access to your own voice accordingly. We continue to work to add features that will be valuable to those of us who need our Wingman along for the ride.

Download on the App Store